The Shoggoth Secret - Lovecraftian Erotica Read online

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  “No, I don't,” she said. “What takes so much of your time? Why do you do it?”

  “I'm taking college classes and working.”


  Jacob realized he'd have to explain, or at least actively think about it so she could understand. He decided that if he had to think about it, he might as well say it.

  “I'm going to college so I can get a decent job. I work so I have money to live on while I go to college.”

  “I see the decent job is so you can earn more money. What is money? Why is it so important to you?”

  Jacob opened his mouth, then snapped it shut again. Finally he spoke.

  “I'm going to think about a lot of stuff, follow along and that will explain it.”

  A minute later Kelly nodded.

  “I see, money is what you give in exchange for other things you need or want.”

  “Close enough,” Jacob said.

  “I don't see why you need college or work to get it though. We can obtain it in other fashions.”

  “How?” Jacob asked.

  “I intend to change people into Shoggoth. At a guess, from your reactions, there are those out there who would pay enormous amounts for that Change. Either for themselves or someone else. We simply need to determine how to contact them. In the meanwhile, those we change will be glad to support us. I'm sure Mrs. Shaw will no longer require money for you to stay in this apartment now,” Kelly said.

  “I wouldn't know anyone with enough money to take the risk of revealing what you're doing. I think that might be dangerous.”

  “So we simply work our way upwards. I see in your mind that you consider it to be a social division. So we simply Change someone higher socially and have them point out someone even higher. Do that enough times and we can be in contact with someone of the type we're looking for.”

  “Are you sure? I still think it's risky.”

  “What could anyone do to us?”

  “The people you want to sell the change to? They're powerful. They're used to getting what they want. A lot of them get it however they can, not caring about who gets hurt in the process.”

  “I've known true evil secondhand from the minds of my kind before they disappeared. I doubt that any of these people you fear are even close to being capable of what the Old Ones were. I am not without defenses myself. They would find it more difficult than they think to cause us problems in that manner.”

  “That's easy for you to say. You can change into whatever you want. I can't,” Jacob said.

  “If you wish, I can Change you. But then you would be more subservient to me. I prefer to have someone to obey rather than to be obeyed myself. There are other ways I can protect you though should the need arise.”

  “Like what?”

  “May I demonstrate?” she asked.

  “Be my guest.”

  Kelly moved towards Jacob and blurred. A moment later he found her enveloping his entire body. He panicked for a moment, until he realized he could still breathe. After a couple of breaths he realized that he had a raging erection again. Every inch of his exposed skin was in contact with a warm, soft, slick but not wet, portion of Kelly. He felt as though he were a giant penis, engulfed in a like-sized pussy. His mind went offline from the sensation, and when he could actually think again, Kelly was lowering him into a sitting position on the couch.

  “Surrounded by me like that, nothing will harm you. Although I hadn't counted on the side effect.”

  Jacob looked and saw that Kelly was flushed.

  Was that a strain for her to do? She looks like she was working hard.

  “No, it isn't difficult at all. When you were overcome with pleasure it carried over into my own thoughts. For a little while there, neither of us could do anything but feel the pleasure. I'll need to make sure I avoid your thoughts if we ever have to do that as a defense. The flush is simply my trying to be more human for you. When a girl orgasms, her face tends to flush, no?”

  Jacob nodded. Then he noticed that she wasn't the only one. He'd need to change clothes again, or at the very least get new underwear and pants.

  “Yes, once we'd both orgasmed, I regained control and managed to disengage,” she said.

  “That's supposed to protect me from damage?” Jacob asked.

  “Yes, it should. Whatever form I'm in, I'm built to absorb damage. The creators of the Shoggoth tended towards perversion and violence as part of their entertainment, so they designed us to withstand it. That way they didn't have to retrain new slaves as frequently. When the rest of the Shoggoth designed me, they enhanced that ability even further.”

  Jacob was taken aback for a moment considering the implications.

  “They're gone though, right? Whoever it was that created your race?”

  “As far as I know. I haven't been in contact with an Old One, another Shoggoth, or anyone at all for eons until you came along,” Kelly said.

  “Okay then, let me get cleaned up and we'll go out. Do you want to start with someone to Change that's a higher social class than me or build up a few others first? Think about it while I get clean.”

  Jacob grabbed a complete change of clothing and hopped into the shower. A few minutes later he came back out to the living room. His hair was damp and he was wearing clean clothes.

  “So, what did you decide?” he asked.

  “You don't know anyone of the appropriate social class?”

  “No, I work a manual labor job and go to a community college. Upper class people wouldn't be caught dead near either of those.”

  “Do you know where that kind of person goes for entertainment?”

  “There's a club I know. I've never been there, but I've heard about it. I won't say it's for the upper class, but it's expensive. If it's people with money you're after, that would be a good place to start looking,” Jacob said.

  “Take me there, we'll see what I can find in their thoughts. Even if the type we're looking for isn't there, I might find someone who knows where they are.”

  “I know you can change your outfit to whatever you like, but I'm so under-dressed they wouldn't even let me stand in the line to get in.”

  “Do we need to go in? I'm sure they come out, don't they?”

  “I guess, but it might not be until late.”

  “We have the time yes? If you're leaving college and quitting your job, is there something else creating a time conflict?”

  Jacob shrugged, he hadn't thought it all the way through.

  “I guess not. Shall we go then?”

  * * *

  Chapter 5 – Bottom Rung

  Jacob parked his car on the street, several blocks from the club.

  “We're probably better off if no-one sees my car,” he said.


  “The people with money would see it and decide they wanted nothing to do with us. It would make your job harder.”

  “Aren't they attracted to the same things you are?”

  “Probably, but I doubt they'd admit it as easily as I did.”

  “So, I'll simply find what they are attracted to and alter myself accordingly, for the time being,” Kelly said.

  “I meant to ask, are you going to be trying to attract girls or guys?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “Kind of, if you want them to help you reward me, then guys probably aren't where you want to target yourself.”

  “Why not? Once I have them trained to shift, they can change their gender to female as easily as I change shape. They'd be happy to do so at my request.”

  Jacob's jaw dropped. He hadn't thought that one through.

  I wonder if she'd change any of the guys that give me a hard time? It'd be nice to have them at my mercy in a girl's body. Let them be on the receiving end for a while, and maybe even begging for more.

  “I would do that for you. It sounds perverse enough to be entertaining. Perhaps make them speak their thoughts to us while you use them?”

  Kelly licked her lips
at the thoughts running through Jacob's mind.

  “For now, let's get your plan going. Find a source of funding. Then you can help me settle some old scores,” Jacob said.

  “It will be my pleasure,” Kelly said. “However, if you want me to change only girls tonight, I will most likely have to change my own form to that of a male.”

  “There are girls who like girls, but yeah, I understand what you're saying. I can handle seeing that, I think.”

  “I'll wait until I know what our target wants, then step out of sight and return looking like whoever it is they're thinking of,” Kelly said. “From there, I need only touch her, although some more intimate form of contact would speed things along. I'll help her Change progress while she's in the club and, once the Change is finished, have her come out. Then we'll bring her home and you can have the two of us together. Does that suit you?”

  Jacob nodded. He bought a couple of coffees and the two of them placed themselves across the street from the entrance to the club. Kelly stayed behind him, partially concealed in the shadows. She began the change to a masculine form and took it to a point where she could find what their target desired and finish the change in a minute or two.

  Once it was fully dark, the line outside the club grew longer. Jacob fidgeted and finished his coffee while Kelly scanned the female minds waiting in line.

  “Such a variety of minds,” Kelly said, “each with their own perverse hidden pleasures. Do you have a preference? There are some who are nearly innocent and others who revel in perversity, but the majority are somewhere between those two.”

  Jacob bit his lip and thought for a moment.

  “Which do you recommend? I've got some experience with girls, but not that much,” he said.

  “Well, if you would like two guys on one girl, there are several in that line that would happily do that even if I didn't Change them first. I could stay in masculine form until after we take her that way. There are also those who willingly play with both males and females. There are even two who have never had sex.”

  “Why don't you try to pick the richest one, or the one with the best contacts to get us the kind of targets we want? You said that you can get them to do whatever we want after you change them, right?”

  “Sorry, I forgot our goal while sampling their desires. There appear to be three that would help us towards our goal. There is one of those that is nearly innocent and the other two fall into the middle category.”

  Jacob thought for a moment. In the end his inexperience with girls made the decision for him.

  “The innocent one, I think,” he said.

  “I was hoping you'd choose her. It should be much more fun introducing her to things than the others.”

  Jacob glanced back and saw Kelly emerge from the shadows. Except it wasn't Kelly any more. She had turned into a young man. He was well muscled, as though he worked out, and black hair spilled down to his shoulders. His features were strong, but not what Jacob would consider handsome. He had an easy to look at rugged face with a hint of five o'clock shadow.

  “That's what she's after?” he asked.

  “It is a man she knows. She's dated him a few times and wishes that he would get serious with her. If I can get a kiss from her, she'll be ours quickly.”

  Kelly walked across the street in the male body. She homed in on one section of the line and went directly towards it.

  Jacob watched as the girl's face brightened when she saw Kelly in the male body. She walked over to the edge of the line and waved.

  Not bad, he thought, she's blonde, petite, tanned skin, got some curves despite being small. I can do that, it'd be a pleasure.

  Kelly and the girl talked for a few minutes then the girl leaned over the rope and kissed Kelly's male form.

  Jacob gave Kelly a thumbs up as she walked back across the road.

  “Got her?” he said.

  “She'll be ready to come out and meet me outside the club in an hour and a half. By that time I'll have her Change beyond the point where I need to control it. She'll want to please me, whether I'm in this body or some other one. For now, I should stay in this one unless you'd like me to change back for a while. I imagine we could find a way to pass the time that way.”

  “Don't you need to concentrate on her change?” Jacob asked.

  Kelly sighed.

  “I suppose I should.”

  “Then you should stay in this body since having sex with you while you're spaced out like you were with Mrs. Shaw wouldn't be nearly as interesting as when you're participating.”

  “I'll stay in this body for now.”

  “Let's go into that shop where I got the coffee earlier. They've got books also. I can read while you take care of her change. By the way, what's her name anyhow?”

  “Ashley, and she thinks I'm someone named Jim,” Kelly said.

  “Okay, now I guess we just wait?”

  Kelly nodded. They walked into the coffee shop and Jacob sprang for another pair of coffees. Then they sat down and waited, Jacob passing the time with a tattered paperback from the shelves in the store.

  By the time Ashley left the club, the cashier was nearly glaring at Jacob and Kelly/Jim since they'd nursed their single coffees for the entire time.

  “There she is,” Jacob said.

  Kelly had been following Ashley's mind through the club and had now informed her that she'd be meeting Jim and another guy, not just Jim.

  “Jim,” Ashley said, “I wasn't sure if you were going to stand me up or not.”

  “I'd never do that,” Kelly/Jim said. “If you actually thought about it, you'd know that.”

  Ashley's face turned puzzled for a moment.

  “You've done it before, but I know you wouldn't now. I belong with you and you know that too,” she said.

  Kelly/Jim nodded.

  “Come with us. You already told your friends that you wouldn't need a ride, yes?”

  “I did. Who is your friend?”

  “Ashley, this is Jacob.”

  Ashley smiled and stuck out her hand. Jacob reached out and shook it.

  “It's a pleasure to meet you,” she said.

  “The pleasure is all mine,” Jacob replied, with a knowing smile.

  * * *

  Ashley stood in the middle of Jacob's living room. Her clothes were scattered about the room where Jacob had tossed them as he stripped her. She'd made no complaint while he did so, even moving to make the job easier on him.

  His hands caressed her breasts.

  A solid B cup, he thought. Rock hard nipples too. Her tits are firm enough that there's no sag, but soft enough to mold to my hand when I fondle them. Very nice.

  Kelly/Jim watched as Jacob ran his hands over Ashley's body. The blonde stood motionless, although the state of her nipples and goose pimples on her flesh showed that she enjoyed what was going on.

  Jacob took a step back and just looked at her for a bit. Ashley's skin was flawless, silken and smooth almost everywhere. She had a heart-shaped face and her hair was the golden blonde that many women tried to duplicate, but few managed to do right. Hers was natural, unless she died her roots and pubic hair as well. Her soft blue eyes occasionally rolled upwards leaving only the whites visible.

  Jacob panned his eyes down her body. Ashley's breasts looked smaller than they felt and she actually had hips. They were small in comparison to Kelly's but they were definitely there. Ashley definitely wasn't one of those androgynous girls that you could mistake for a young boy when they were in clothing.

  Her legs looked like she worked out. There was no extra flab or wiggly bits. Jacob panned back up to her face and caught her green eyes staring at him.

  Wait, green? I'd swear her eyes were blue just a minute ago.

  “Um, Kelly? Should her eyes be doing that?”

  “Doing what?”

  “They were blue a moment ago and now they're green.”

  “Oh, yes. I have her practicing some minor changes before teaching her how to
change her entire body. It's easier if they master some smaller things first.”

  “Okay, it just freaked me out for a moment there.”

  Kelly/Jim smiled.

  “Did you want me to stay like this so we can break her in together or should I change back?” Kelly asked.

  Jacob, faced with his fantasies becoming reality, was having a problem with indecision.

  “I don't know. Both have their good points. Do you have a preference?” he said.

  “Whichever would please you the most.”

  “Damn, okay then. Change back. Let's not freak her out right away.”

  “The change has progressed enough already that she would not freak out unless faced with something far more perverse than either of those options.”

  “More perverse than doing two guys at the same time? I thought you said she was the innocent.”

  “She was, parts of her still are, but by now the instinct to serve has ingrained itself in her. The craving for perversity comes along with that. She would neither be shocked nor reluctant to do anything either of us asked her to.”

  “Either of us?” Jacob asked.

  “Yes, I serve you. Because of that, anyone that serves me also serves you.”

  Jacob was hit by what he thought was a stroke of brilliance.

  “How about you take on her form. Then you two can play and I can do what I like with either or both of you while you do.”

  Kelly/Jim nodded.

  “That's mildly perverse and original, at least as far as I'm concerned. I'll start changing my form now. She won't be receiving instructions from me while I do, so keep her occupied please.”

  “I'm sure I can think of something to keep her busy. Do me a favor though, don't duplicate her pubic hair. I prefer my pussies with no fur on them.”

  Kelly/Jim nodded again and disappeared into his bedroom. Jacob walked over to Ashley.

  “Kelly says that you serve me since you serve her. Is that right?”

  Ashley nodded.

  Jacob sat down on the couch and lowered his jeans.

  “Then kneel and suck my cock,” he said.

  “Please,” he added a moment later.

  Ashley beamed at him and dropped to her knees. She scooted across the floor to him and bent her head over his lap. Jacob's cock had been furiously erect ever since Ashley had gotten into his car and he wanted some attention focused on it. Ashley provided it.