The Shoggoth Secret - Lovecraftian Erotica Read online

Page 6

  Greta sighed.

  “Fine. Jacob, if you would leave the room? I don't want you to see me like that.”

  She turned to Kelly.

  “I need my clothes from the empty apartment across the hall. I left them there yesterday when I finished changing. The only things I have here are this mini-skirt and tank-top. Somehow I don't think they'd look as good on my older body.”

  “Get them and change. You must keep up the illusion for now, until there are many more of us,” Kelly said.

  Greta drew her clothes on and scooted across the hall. Jacob assumed that she was getting her other clothes and doing as Kelly had instructed. He went into the bedroom and got dressed. When he finished, he called out.

  “Is it safe for me to come out? Is Greta gone?”

  “Not yet,” Kelly answered. “Give us a few minutes.”

  Jacob took the time to make a mental shopping list.

  Steak, pasta, anything with protein and carbs. What the hell? I don't normally eat like that. I guess I've used more energy in the past few days than I have in a while, even when hauling stuff around the yard. I'm not complaining though.

  He ran through the memories of some of the things he'd done the last few days and realized that he was turning himself on.

  None of that until later, he told himself. I need some real food before I do any of that.

  He heard the door shut and Kelly's voice called out.

  “It's safe now.”

  He went back to the living room and the two of them waited until Greta returned. When she came back in a few minutes later, she was in her younger form again. Jacob thought about commenting on her choice of clothing but held his tongue. She looked good, really good, in the short-shorts and white t-shirt she was wearing. She obviously wasn't wearing a bra and a flash of pink flesh at her crotch let him know she was going commando too. The sandals she was wearing completed the theme, with every piece of clothing she wore exposing more than it hid.

  They left the apartment and headed for Jacob's car. On the way down the stairs, Greta called out:


  Kelly looked around quickly.

  “Where?” she asked.

  “No, it's slang. It means I'm claiming the front seat. I want to ride next to Jacob,” Greta said.

  “Oh, that's fine,” Kelly replied.

  The drive to the lumberyard normally took about ten minutes. It took longer today since Jacob was worried about having an accident. Greta's hand dropped into his lap when the car started moving and he had problems concentrating on the road.

  They pulled into the parking lot of the lumberyard and all three of them got out and headed for the office. Out of the corner of his eye, Jacob saw Keith heading towards them.

  “That's one of the assholes I was talking about,” he told Kelly in a whisper.

  “The tall blonde one?”

  “Yeah, the one coming this way. He's probably going to try to start shit with me.”

  Kelly took a moment to digest the euphemism, or maybe she read the meaning in his mind.

  “If he does, I will intercede,” she said.

  “Don't get yourself hurt,” Jacob said.

  “I won't.”

  They made it into the office before Keith got to them but Jacob knew he'd be waiting outside after they were done.

  “I need to pick up my check,” he said.

  “You're in trouble Jacob. You called in sick once but the last two days you were no call, no show. That's gonna get you fired,” the receptionist said.

  “Lisa, I have to quit. I'm sorry I didn't call in but I need to pick up my check please.”

  Lisa slid a blank sheet of paper on top of the desk along with a pen.

  “Why don't you write that out, date it the day before yesterday. Maybe I can convince the bossman that he just didn't see your resignation when I put it on his desk. He's always got a stack of papers in his in-box.”

  “Thank you Lisa. I don't want to cause you any trouble though.”

  “No, you wouldn't. You're not like some of the other guys here. It's a shame to see you leave.”

  Lisa looked from Kelly to Greta, then back to Jacob.

  “At least, I thought you weren't,” she said softly.

  While Jacob wrote out his resignation, he heard Kelly talking to Lisa in soft tones. He signed the paper and looked up to see Kelly drawing her hand back from Lisa.

  Shit, what was she doing there? Lisa's always been a sweetie to me, I don't want anything bad to happen to her.

  “Here, I'll take that and slide it into the middle of his stack of papers. When he asks about you not being here I'll tell him that there was something from you a couple of days ago that I put in his in-box. That ought to cover it. Quitting with no notice is a lot better on your record than just not showing up.”

  Lisa's voice went slightly accusatory with the last sentence.

  “I'm sorry Lisa, honestly there was no way I could've been here the last couple of days. There's a lot of weird shit going on in my life, starting on the day I called in sick. I've just been swept along with it.”

  Lisa's voice was slightly sarcastic when she replied.

  “Whatever you say Jacob. I'm sure you have a good reason. Let me go get your check.”

  Lisa got up and left the room.

  “She wanted you to ask her out. Did you know that?” Kelly asked him softly.

  “Lisa? She never even hinted at it.”

  “She thought you'd notice that she treated you differently than the other people working here. Now she's upset because she thinks you have two attractive girlfriends.”

  Jacob shook his head.

  “I never noticed. I figured she thought I was just another guy working here.”

  Lisa entered the room again before Kelly could say anything else.

  “Here you go, you need to sign for it like normal.”

  Jacob signed and took his check.

  “Bye Lisa, sorry I won't be seeing you around any more.”

  Lisa's good bye was bitter.

  “Bye Jacob.”

  They turned and left the office building. Sure enough, Keith was waiting on the walk.

  “If it isn't the little puke,” Keith said.

  “Lay off it Keith, I don't need your shit right now,” Jacob replied.

  Keith turned his attention from Jacob to the two girls.

  “Ladies, what are you doing with a loser like Jacob? You're obviously both far too attractive to be with him,” he said.

  Kelly stared at Keith silently, Greta turned so her back was to him.

  “Keith, why do you try to pull this kind of shit all the time?” Jacob asked.

  “Hey, stuff it asshole, you left us shorthanded and I had to work two shifts by myself when I should've had someone else helping.”

  “Really? That's kind of surprising since we have different jobs.”

  “Yeah, well they pulled my partner to do your job. He told me it's easy enough a trained monkey could do it. I figure that's why they hired you in the first place.”

  “Keith, just go away. I already quit and I'm leaving now,” Jacob said.

  Keith stepped forward until he stood chest to chest with Jacob.

  “Good, then I won't leave us any more shorthanded when I lay you out,” he said.

  Keith drew a fist back and started to swing. Jacob stepped out of the way so he wouldn't be hit, but the punch never materialized. He looked over and saw that Kelly had a grip on Keith's wrist. One tight enough that the flesh her hand grasped was white from the pressure.

  “Let me go you bitch,” Keith screamed.

  “Apologize first,” Kelly said calmly, no stress evident in her voice.

  She held Keith's wrist as he tried to pull his arm loose.

  “You're only going to hurt yourself if you try that,” Kelly said.

  “Let go of me!” Keith yelled.

  Kelly squeezed, Jacob watched as her fingers sank into Keith's flesh.

��Alright, I'm sorry I called you a bitch,” he said.

  “You really are as dumb as Jacob said you were, aren't you. Don't apologize to me, apologize to Jacob. I've only had the displeasure of knowing you for a few minutes. He's been forced to endure you for months.”

  Greta giggled, Keith protested, and Kelly squeezed harder.

  “I'm sorry Jacob. Okay? I apologized, let me go before you break my wrist,” Keith said.

  “One other thing,” Kelly said. “You don't have to apologize for calling me a bitch, but don't think you're getting away with it either.”

  She spat in his face, carefully aiming it to ensure that some got into both his eyes and mouth.

  “If you like, you can try that punch again when I let you go. But I won't be as gentle stopping you a second time.”

  Kelly released her hold on his wrist and Keith swung his arm up against his chest, holding his injured wrist with his other hand.

  “You're fucking crazy. Get away from me,” he said, backing up.

  “Wow, he's even more of an asshole than you told us Jacob,” Greta said.

  Keith glared at her. Kelly took a step towards him, he broke and ran.

  “Let's get out of here,” Kelly said.

  The three of them walked out of the lumberyard and back to Jacob's car.

  * * *

  After a quick stop at the bank, they pulled into the local grocery store.

  “Is there anything you'd like Kelly?” Jacob asked.

  “As I said before, I can extract nutrition from anything I eat. But I know you were thinking about a lot of high protein foods and those would be good.”

  “Okay, steak it is then. I've been craving it all morning,” Jacob said.

  “I can't imagine why you might need more protein,” Greta said with a laugh.

  “Kelly, what did you do to Keith?” Jacob asked.

  “He'll be stopping by your apartment tonight, and in a much more docile mood. His change will have progressed enough by then that I can instruct his body to change form. He won't be able to do it on his own for a week or more unless I teach him how. In the meantime we can have him take any form you choose and he'll be stuck in it. Lisa will come by as well. Her I'll teach right away. I think she'll enjoy being able to change and she has a great deal of knowledge that I wish to learn from her.”

  “Damn it, you did change her? I wish you would've asked me first. She's a nice girl, I don't know if she'll be able to handle this,” Jacob said.

  “I think you'll find that she can handle it and that she isn't nearly as nice as you think. I saw some of what was in her mind so I know. She was simply nice to you because she was attracted to you. She will enjoy watching you have Keith at your mercy, or lack thereof.”

  “Lack thereof, definitely lack thereof,” Jacob said.

  Kelly smiled at him.

  “Let's get our groceries and head home,” Jacob said. “I'm hoping that the two of you will keep me occupied this afternoon and then Kelly will make some more of that stuff that will keep me hard for this evening. It'll be a long night, more so for some people than others.”

  Jacob selected several steaks, trying to keep to a budget. Greta piled a bunch of prime cuts into her cart. He went and got a lot of pasta and sauce to go with it while Greta and Kelly tagged along behind.

  “Let's go over to the produce aisle,” Greta said. “I know young men like you avoid it on your own, but I'd like some fresh fruit and vegetables.”

  Greta loaded her cart with potatoes, peppers, onions, and more from the produce aisle.

  “You're going to eat all that?” Jacob asked.

  “Nope, I'm going to cook for all of us. This ought to last a few days, even if we end up with some more people staying there with us. You're pretty healthy, but I bet with a better diet you'll shape up even more. Got to keep you in good health or you won't be nearly as much fun.”

  When they got to the checkout Greta insisted that Jacob unload his cart along with hers.

  “I'll take care of it. You save your money for now. Always good to have some walking around cash,” she said.

  Jacob protested but Greta stood firm. The argument came to an abrupt end when she whispered in his ear.

  “If you want to be inside of me at all for the rest of the day, you'd better let me win this argument.”

  Jacob clamped his mouth shut and just pushed the cart.

  When they got back to the apartment, Greta went into cooking mode. She took over Jacob's kitchen and somehow between the microwave, stove, and cook top she managed to serve up steaks, baked potatoes, and sauteed peppers and onions a half hour later.

  When they finished eating Jacob leaned back in his chair.

  “That was incredible. You can cook for me anytime Greta.”

  “Would you like me to? I'd be happy to cook for us,” she said.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, it makes me happy to do things for you and Kelly. It isn't just the sex, although I'll admit to preferring that over cooking. The sex makes me happy and makes me feel good physically. But there's no reason I can't do both of those, right?”

  “Done then, you can be the official cook and I'll be the chief bottle washer. Here, let me get the dishes into the dishwasher.”

  Jacob stood up and started to clear the table. Kelly and Greta exchanged a look. Greta stood and grabbed Jacob by the waist. She turned him to face her and kissed him, hard. It was more of a promise than a kiss and Jacob felt himself reacting. Greta took his hands and pulled them up to her breasts. By the time she let go of him, Kelly had cleared the table.

  “Nope, no bottle washing for you,” Greta said. “You have people that will happily do that for you.”

  “You're kidding me, right?” Jacob asked. “You won't even let me help clean up?”

  “If it actually made you happy we would, but Kelly told me you were doing it because you thought you should do your share of the work,” Greta said.

  “Greta was telling the truth when she said doing things for us made her happy,” Kelly said. “In the same manner, doing things for you makes me feel ... if not happy then at least right. In my mind, that is how things should be. I should serve you. It is a part of my purpose, so please allow me to fulfill my purpose and those who wish to serve both of us to fulfill their purpose as well.”

  “I'm warning you, I'm liable to get bored and actually want to help out,” Jacob said.

  “If it comes to that, we'll know and we'll either find a way to alleviate your boredom or allow you to help,” Kelly said.

  Jacob glanced down at the front of his pants, which had tented out while Greta was distracting him. All the talk of being served had done nothing but increase the size of his tent.

  “Speaking of alleviating ....”

  “It was my fault, I'll take care of it,” Greta said.

  “I'll help,” Kelly added. “He really does frequently think of two girls doing him at the same time.”

  Greta nodded.

  “Who are we to argue?” she said.

  Jacob was dragged to the couch in the living room. His clothes came off in a matter of moments with both girls helping. Theirs were gone moments later. Jacob spent the next several hours in a blissful state as the girls tried to alleviate his concerns.

  * * *

  A knock on the door interrupted their play time. Jacob got up and dragged his pants on as he crossed the room. He opened the door and found Lisa standing there.

  “May I come in?” she asked.

  “Of course,” Jacob said.

  She walked in and caught sight of Kelly and Greta nude on the couch. She shook her head, as though not quite believing what she saw, then turned to Jacob.

  “I felt like I had to come here, I don't know why.”

  “I do. You'll have to talk to Kelly about it though. It's her doing.”

  “You came because you want to learn what you can do now, Lisa. You also came because after having a crush on Jacob for so long, when you felt th
e need to serve, he was the first one that came to your mind. I made sure of that.”

  “What?” Lisa asked.

  “You came for one other reason also. You hate Keith even more than Jacob does. Tonight you can get your revenge on him. He'll arrive fairly soon.”

  “Keith's coming here? But I saw you guys fighting after you left the office.”

  “He's coming here, but not in an aggressive mood, much to his dismay. Nor will what happens when he arrives be to his taste, unless I've misread him badly. I made sure you came because I thought you might enjoy helping to humiliate and break him.”

  Lisa's breath sped up.

  “The bastard tried to rape me, but I could never prove it to anyone. He always taunts me about it when no-one else can hear. So, yes I'd love to humiliate that asshole.”

  “You can have that and more. Have a seat and I'll start to show you how,” Kelly said.

  Greta and Jacob continued to play while Kelly tutored Lisa mind to mind.

  * * *

  Chapter 8 - Revenge

  An hour after Lisa arrived there was another knock at the door. Jacob opened the door again and found Keith standing in the hallway. Kelly called over Jacob's shoulder.

  “Come in Keith.”

  Jacob stood back and Keith walked into the apartment like an automaton.

  “Stand over there in that corner,” Kelly said pointing.

  Keith complied.

  “Now wait until we're ready for you.”

  Kelly turned back to Lisa.

  “Are you sure that's what you want to do?” she asked.

  Lisa nodded.

  “It sounds like fun and you said it isn't permanent, right?” she said.

  “Right, we can change you back afterwards.”

  “Then let's do it.”

  Kelly concentrated for a moment and Lisa's face took on a strange look. She shifted uncomfortably in her chair and spread her legs wide.

  Kelly turned back to Jacob.

  “Do you know what you want him to look like as a woman?”

  “Can you read his mind?” Jacob asked.

  Kelly nodded.

  “If he tried to rape Lisa, then he's probably done it to someone else. If he has then find the memories of the person he most enjoyed raping and change him into her. Don't touch those memories though since he'll be reliving them from the other side, at his own request.”